Forward / Story Conference


I was thrilled to take part in the Forward / Story conference in Costa Rica in 2016.  Created by transmedia luminaries Lance Weiler and Christy Dena.

Forward Slash Story is an application-only residential lab for writers, artists, technologists and designers who work in uncharted territories to share their journey.

Behnam at USC


Thank you to Paula Woodley and the entire class at the USC Annenberg School of Communication for having me guest lecture.  It was fun for me and hopefully inspiring for them.

Behnam at Variety Ent & Tech Summit


I had the honor of talking Social and Mobile at the Digital Hollywood/Variety Entertainment and Technology Conference.

Learn more.


Behnam at Lincoln Center


It was an honor to be included in the Film Society of Lincoln Center’s Convergence series panel “The Art of Advertising”.

Ben Roth of MKTG INC., moderated our talk about the intersection of storytelling, branded content and advertising with fellow panelists Jennifer Warren of BrandCinema and Steve Coulson of Campfire.

Special thanks to Matt Bolish and Jen Begeal.

Check out the video below.

Behnam at Transvergence Summit


Thanks to Kristin Petrovich, Kate McCallum and the entire TVS crew for having us!

Here’s a couple snippets:


Behnam at TV of Tomorrow Show


Thanks to Tracy Swedlow and the entire TVOT crew for having me in San Francisco.  It was a lot of fun and a packed house!

For more on the conference, click here.


Behnam Mentors at SXSW


It was an absolute blast to be a mentor at this year’s SXSW Interactive. I hopefully didn’t corrupt the minds of others. Too much.

Special thanks to Hugh and the entire SXSW team. They have their stuff together!



Behnam at OTTCON


I was thrilled to be on a panel with the likes of Fox and Sony Pictures talking about second screen storytelling at this years OTTCON. The “Over-The-Top TV Conference” focuses on new content, tech and people in the the next generation of TV space.





Steve Peters and I presented one of our original projects at Power to the Pixel in London at the British Film Institute.  It was one of 7 projects presented that year based on entries from around the world.  The PTTP crew was amazing and so was the event.

FWS at Creatasphere


Appearing with me from Fourth Wall Studios:

Elan Lee, Sean Stewart, Zach Schiff-Abrams and Steve Peters.

ARGFest-O-Con via Skype


We played Transmedia Jeopardy and fun was had by all, including my giant head.   Special thanks to Jonathan Waite for making it happen.

Behnam at DigHollywood


Thanks to Victor Harlow for having speak and moderate over the years at Digital Hollywood.

Behnam on Andisheh TV


Honored to be part of the Persian creator community, appearing on AndishehTV talking about transmedia. Special thanks to the hosts Farah Asadi and Mehrdad Sarlak, as well as Vida Ghaffari.